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Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble

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Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble)Properties of Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble):Application of Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble)

Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble)

Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble), also known as Crema Marfil Marble, is one of

the most popular types of cream-colored marble. This beautiful cream-beige colored stone is one

of the most used luxury stones in Iran. . Of course, this marble stone has other types, including

red and brown lines and ice-clay halos. The uniform background and light reflection in Dehbid Shayan

Marble is a manifestation of the inherent warmth and glory of nature in the spirit of architectural space.

In terms of beauty and quality, Dehbid Marble competes with stones such as Spanish Crema

Marfil and Turkish  Leti Stone. In addition to the special color and design of this stone, its manufacturing

features and components  have made  this stone famous worldwide.

Properties of Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble):

1- Low water absorption

2- Low porosity

3- High compressive strength

4- Suitable resistance to corrosion

5- Excellent sub-substanceability

6- High brightness

Application of Dehbid Shayan Marble (Crema Marfil Marble)

Floor stone inside the building

Floor stone for commercial and entertainment units

Floor stone for the lobby and entrances of hotels and luxury buildings

Decorative stone inside and at the entrance of the building

Paving stones for corridors and stairs

Stone for the interior walls of the building

Stone facade inside the building and sometimes outside it

Stone walls for luxury toilets and bathrooms

Cabinet stone












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